Wednesday, April 28, 2010

support the 'red couch' project

on may 24th i'll break ground on my new full length recording project entitled 'red couch serenade'.

for those interested and have maybe expressed interest in the past to contribute to this project, i've set up an avenue to do so. you can either sponsor a full day, half day or one or more hours in the studio. every gift goes to help cover the thousands of dollars this project requires.

if you're interested in supporting this project you can do so via credit card below or if you prefer mailing a check please email me at and i'll reply a mailing address to you.

each level of giving receives a gift from me.

thank you for your support

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

finn fotos

rocket suit

mum, dad and finn

mum and finn

afternoon nap

Piano with dad